Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and Human resource process

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and Human resource process-When business grows ,employee's of company should be happy because it is employee who keep customer happy.For the effective management of human resource process in ERP, HR module should includes employee management processes such as recruitment,attendance,appraisal,performances.The HR modules contains following processes
1) Planning of Human Resource-The ERP system facilitate the decision making of managers by resembling the achievement of human resource planning and comparing the data.
2) Management of Recruitment-The ERP system provide conducive environment for recruitment of employees
in three ways.i) it improves the hiring process to reduce the workload. ii) ERP provides methodical
management to recruitment costs. iii) it gives appropriate information for the decision making on recruitment management.
3) Management of Training-ERP implementation can help to train employees for acquiring technical skill,business skills and interpersonal skills in team development process.
4) Management of Time-In ERP attendance,leave ,compensation can be recorded for the effective monitoring of employees.
5) Performance Management-The ERP system records employee's all activity such as work load, task completed and task assigned.Based on all these performance of employee can be evaluated.
6) Compensation Management-ERP calculates compensation and decreases management costs.


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