Mealy and Moore Machine
Mealy Machine – A mealy machine is defined as 6 tuples (Q, q0, ∑, Δ, δ, λ’)
Q - finite non empty set of states
q0 - initial state
∑- input alphabet or terminals
Δ - output alphabet
δ - transition function δ:Q×∑ → Q
λ - output function λ: Q×∑→ O
Moore Machine – A moore machine is defined as 6 tuples (Q, q0, ∑, Δ, δ, λ’)
Q - finite non empty set of states
q0 - initial state
∑- input alphabet or terminals
Δ - output alphabet
δ - transition function δ:Q×∑ → Q
λ - output function λ: Q→O
1. Moore Machine is :
a) FA without input
b) FA with output
c) NDFA with input
d) None of the above
Answer: b
Explanation: Finite automaton with an output is
categorized in two parts: Moore M/C and Mealy M/C.
2.Which of the following is uesd as output alphabet
in moore machine?
a) δ
b) ∆
c) ∑
d) None of the above
3.Which of the following produce output for moore machine?
a) λ: Q→O
b) λ: Q×∑→ O
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
4.The Output of Moore machine depends on
a) only inputs
b) only states
c) Both
d) None of the above
Answer: b
5. The Output of mealy machine depends on
a) only State
b) only inputs
c) State and Input
d) none
Answer: c
Explanation: Definition of Mealy Machine.
6.Which of the statements are correct?
a) Moore machine has 5-tuples
b) Mealy machine has 7-tuples
c) Both Mealy and Moore has 6-tuples
d) None
Answer: c
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