Question Bank of Theory of Automata & Formal Languages


Long Answer Question Bank

Theory of Automata & Formal Languages 


1.      Find closure of each state and give the set of all strings of length 3 or less accepted by automaton.

2.      Define DFA, NFA & Language?

3.      State and prove Myhill Nerode Theorm

4.      Design a DFA to accept string of 0’s & 1’s when interpreted as binary numbers would be multiple of 3

5.      Find closure of each state and give the set of all strings of length 3 or less accepted by automaton.

6.      Convert following NFA to DFA using subset construction method

7.      Write DFA to accept strings of 0’s, 1’s & 2’s beginning with a 0 followed by odd number of 1’s and ending with a 2.

8.      Construct DFA to accept the language of all strings of even numbers of a’s & numbers of b’s divisible by three over (a+b)*.

9.      Construct the minimum state automata for the following : Initial State :A Final State: D

10.  Design an NFA for the following

i) L={ abaan | n≥ 1}

ii) To accept language of all strings with 2 a’s followed by 2 b’s over {a,b}.

iii) To accept strings with a’s and b’s such that the string end with bb.





1.      State and prove kleene’s theorem with an example

2.      P.T. Let R be a regular expression. Then there exists a finite automaton M = (Q,¦, G, q0, A) which accepts L(R).

3.      Obtain a regular expression to accept strings of a’s and b’s such that every block of four consecutive symbols contains at least two a’s

4.      Give Mealy and Moore machines for the following processes:

a) For input from (0 + 1)*, if the input ends in 101, output A; if the input ends in 110, output B; otherwise output C.

b) For input from (0 + 1 + 2)*, print the residue modulo 5 of the input treated as a ternary (base 3, with digits 0, 1, and 2) number.

5.      Convert Regular Expression 01* + 1 to Finite Automata.

6.      Prove that every language defined by a regular expression is also defined by Finite Automata.

7.      Write Regular expression for the following

L = { an bm : m, n are even},  L = { a n ,bm : m>=2, n>=2}.

8.      Design a Moore and Mealy machine to determine the residue mod 5 for each ternary string (base 3) treated as ternary integer.

9.      Obtain a regular expression for the FA shown below:

10.  Show that following languages are not regular

a.        L={a nbm | n, m t0 and nm }

b.      L={a nbm cm d n | n, m t1 }

c.        L={a n | n is a perfect square }

d.      L={a n | n is a perfect cube }










1.      Find out whether the language L = {xnynzn | n ≥ 1} is context free or not.

2.      Discuss the Pumping lemma for Context Free Languages concept with example

3.      Check whether the grammar is ambiguous or not.

R-> R+R/ RR/ R*/ a / b / c. Obtain the string w = a+b*c

4.      Convert the following CFG into CNF

S → XY | Xn | p

X → mX | m

Y → Xn | o

5.      Consider the grammar with the production S->aSS A->b. Compute the string aababbb with the left most and right most derivation. Draw the derivation tree.

6.      Eliminate unit productions in the grammar. S->A/bb A->B/b B->S/a.

7.      Discuss Ambiguity, left recursion and factoring in context free grammar.

8.      Using pumping lemma for CFL prove that below languages are not context free   {p | p is a prime}

9.      a) Explain Griebach Normal Form

b) i) Convert the following grammar into GNF: EàE+T|T, TàT*F|F, Fà(E)|a.

    ii) Convert the following grammar into GNF: àBa|ab, AàaAB|a, BàABb|b.

10.  i) Eliminate Null productions in the grammar SàABaC, AèBC, Bàb|ɛ, CàD|ɛ, Dàd.

ii) Eliminate Unit productions in the grammar SàAB, Aàa, BàC, Bàb,CàD,DàE,Eàa.

iii) Find a reduced grammar equivalent to the grammar G whose productions are

 SàAB|CA, BàBC|AB, Aàa, CàaB|b.




1.      Construct PDA to accept L= {0n 1n | n > 0}

2.      Differentiate Deterministic PDA and Non- Deterministic PDA.

3.      Define PDA. Draw the graphical representation for PDA.

4.      Write the procedure to convert from the given PDA to a CFG.

5.      Convert the following example.


δ(q0, b, z)=(q0,zz)

δ(q0, ε ,z0)=(q0,ε)

δ(q0,a,z) = (q1,z)



6.      Construct a PDA to accept the language L ={ a } by a final state. Draw the graphical representation of the PDA.

Also show the moves made by the PDA for the string aaabbb

7.      Design a PDA to accept the set of all strings of 0’s and 1’s such that no prefix has more 1’s than 0’s

8.      Construct PDA: Accepting the set of all strings over {a, b} with equal number of a’s and b’s. Show the moves for abbaba.

9.      Construct DPDA which accepts the language L = {wcwR | w {a, b}*, c Σ}.

10.  Design a PDA which accepts set of balanced paranthesis ( { { } } ).

11.  Construct a PDA that accepts L = { wwR | w = (a+b)* }

12.  Construct a PDA from the following CFG.

G = ({S, X}, {a, b}, P, S) where the productions are −

S → XS | ε , A → aXb | Ab | ab




1.      Design a TM to recognize all strings consisting of an odd number of α’s.

2.      Prove that the halting problem is undecidable

3.      Prove that single tape machines can simulate multi tape machines.

4.      Design a TM to recognize all strings consisting of an odd number of α’s.

5.      Design a Turing machine to accept a Palindrome

6.      Define undesirability, decidability

7.      Post’s Correspondence problem Design a TM to recognize a string of 0s and 1s such that the number of 0s is not twice as that of 1s.

8.      P.t If L is a recursive language, L is also recursive.

9.      Explain briefly the Halting problem




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